Common Injuries
Achilles Tendinopathy
Tendonopathies are often caused by overuse of or sudden stress on a tendon. Aging and lack of muscle tone can also play a role in the development of tendinopathy. This can result in unresolving pain.
Many people don’t know that physiotherapy can be one of the most effective treatments for headaches. Our physiotherapists are specially trained in treating headaches through spinal mobilization and trigger-point release and myofascial-release techniques specific to the cervical spine.
Lower Back Pain and Sciatica
Lower back pain is one of the leading causes of pain and disability around the world. Physiotherapy has been shown in multiple research papers to be very effective at managing the pain and dysfunction associated with problems in this area.
SIJ Dysfunction
Dysfunction in the SIJ is when there is abnormal movement in the joint (either too much or too little) , which is then thought to cause low back and/or leg pain.
Pre and Post Operative Rehab
Pre-operative rehabilitation is a vitally important component to anyone wanting to optimize their recovery following surgery.The goal of pre-operative rehab is to help you be as well-conditioned as possible prior to surgery to enhance your post-operative recovery
Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common chronic musculoskeletal conditions seen by physiotherapists and affects a large number of Australians. It is generally considered a degenerative condition in which the articular cartilage thins, develops cracks and can eventually wear away.
Osteoporosis and osteopenia (Osteopenia is considered a precursor to osteoporosis.) are conditions that affect the density of your bones, which increases your risk of bone fractures.
Joint Sprains
A ligament sprain is usually caused when a joint is suddenly forced beyond its usual range of movement and the ligament fibers are stretched too far. Ankle sprains are the most commonly injured ligament, but they can occur anywhere.
Balance and Falls strategies
Approximately one third of individuals over the age of 60 experience a fall in a given year. This can be due to the changes in the sensory, muscular, and nervous system in the healthy older populations. Fortunately, balance training has been shown to reduce your falls risk and the implementation of specific exercise programs is strongly encouraged for older Australians.
Neck Pain
Neck pain can be caused by dysfunction of multiple structures within the neck. The most common structures that can lead to neck pain are the cervical discs and the facet joints.
Muscle strains
Muscle strains occurs when fibers, which make up the muscle belly of the calf, become damaged or torn. This is most commonly due to a forceful contraction of the muscle during acceleration from a stationary position or change of direction but can also be caused by a high velocity stretching mechanism i.e. falling with your foot in a flexed position.
Whiplash is often associated with an injury following a motor vehicle accident, however, similar forces can also be placed on the neck in sports such as football. Whiplash results from trauma to the neck when it is exposed to a rapid and sharp movement of the head in one direction before quickly whipping back.
Lymphoedema is a condition caused by the blockage in the lymphatic system, part of the immune and circulatory systems. This will often lead to swelling of the affected limb. Lymphoedema is most commonly caused by lymph node removal and damage due to cancer treatment.
Patellofemoral Pain
Patellofemoral pain syndrome is the medical term for pain felt behind your kneecap, where your patella (kneecap) articulates with your thigh bone (femur) which can be due to poor biomechanics. Physiotherapy inventions help strengthen one’s quadriceps and hips, which subsequently aids in restoring the biomechanics of the patellofemoral joint
Tennis Elbow
Lateral epicondyalgia or more simply known as “tennis elbow” can be a debilitating, nuisance of a condition. Acute tennis elbow is an injury to the musculotendinous region of the muscles that extend the wrist and fingers.
Runners Knee
This condition is characterised by pain felt on the inside or behind of the patella with activities that require repetitive bending of the knee. There may be a sensation of crepitus, clicking or grinding. The pain is commonly felt when running, going up and down stairs or when doing squats and is relieved with rest.
Vertigo and Dizziness
Whats the difference between Vertigo, dizziness, and Vertigo, Dizziness and
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) ?
ACL Reconstruction
Learn more about ACL injuries and the reconstructions that often go along with them.