Achilles Tendinopathy

Tendons are the tough fibrous bands that connect muscle to bone throughout the body. A Tendinopathy can also be referred to as tendonitis or tendinosis. This occurs when a tendon has been over worked resulting in either micro tears to the tendon, swelling, or the tissue going through a reactive phase.

An Achilles Tendinopathy is an overuse injury often seen in runners and athletes in jumping sports due to the repetitive action. Tendinopathies can result in any of the tendons in the body (gluteal, rotator cuff, or patella tendon to name a few). Most tendon injuries are the result of gradual wear and tear to the tendon from overuse or aging. Anyone can have a tendon injury, but people whose job or sport that requires a repetitive movement are more likely to irritate a tendon. A tendon injury can happen suddenly or little by little. You are more likely to have a sudden injury if the tendon has weakened over time.

The inability of your tendon to adapt to the load quickly enough causes the tendon to progress through four phases of tendon injury. While it is healthy for normal tissue adaptation during phase one, further progression can lead to tendon cell death and subsequent tendon rupture.

  1. Reactive Tendinopathy

  • Normal tissue adaptation phase

  • Prognosis: Excellent.

  • Normal Recovery!

2. Tendon Dysrepair

  • Injury rate > Repair rate

  • Prognosis: Good.

  • The tendon tissue is attempting to heal.

  • You must prevent deterioration and progression to permanent cell death (phase 3).

3. Degenerative Tendinopathy

  • Cell death occurs

  • Prognosis: Poor

4. Tendon Tear or Rupture

  • Loss of function.

  • Poor prognosis

  • Surgery is often the only option.

What is Your Tendinopathy Phase?

It is imperative to have your tendinopathy professionally assessed to identify its current injury phase. Identifying your tendinopathy phase is vital to direct your most effective treatment since specific treatment modalities or exercises should only be applied or undertaken in distinct tendon healing phases.

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